Globally, the Churches of Christ are a family of Christian churches who are sincerely striving to be the church, which Jesus Christ originally established over 2000 years ago. We believe that this is possible by faithfully following the pattern laid out by Christ and His apostles in the New Testament.

Congregations often reflect the diversity of the cities and nations in which they are located. Worldwide, people of all races ages, and cultures make up local congregations. As people, there is nothing special about us, but we believe that we have something special - each of us have Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour, and the reason for us gathering together is to worship God, praise Him and encourage one another to continue to follow Christ's teachings.

Let's begin with the name - Church of Christ.

We use the term Church of Christ not simply as a title but also to describe to whom we belong. The church was established by Christ through His sacrifice and thus is called the Church of Christ in recognition of this. The New Testament contains the complete pattern for the Lord's church: the terms by which it is identified, the message it is to preach, the way in which it is to worship, the blueprint for its organisation and the method by which one becomes a member of it. The New Testament also uses this term - (Romans 16:16).

Why is the Church of Christ unique ?

The Bible speaks of only one true church; Jesus called it "My church"(Matthew 16:18). We seek to be members of that one true church by adhering to the New Testament pattern. Jesus prayed that all His followers should be one and not divided (John 17:20-21). All His people are members of the one church of which Jesus Himself is the only head (Ephesians 1:22-23). Human names, creeds and doctrines can only divide people, so we plead for the unity of all by a complete return to the faith, worship and practice of the New Testament. When the New Testament is followed, it simply produces Christians - nothing more, nothing less.

Mistaken Identity (ignore title?)

Sometimes people have mistaken us for other religious groups bearing similar-sounding names such as the International Church of Christ (ICOC), Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. (Mormons), Church of Christ Scientist (Christian Scientists), or Jehovaha's Witnesses. We have no connection in any way with these groups. 

So, What Kind of People Are We ?

We are just ordinary people like you - Students, Nurses, Teachers, Civil Servants, Security Workers, Housewives, etc. The Biblical word "church" means "the called out". Through the Gospel, we have been called out from an empty sinful life, religious mediocrity, spiritual error, atheism and agnosticism, into a meaningful, vibrant relationship with God. We constitute Christ's Church.

Simply Christians

The division in the religious world today is far  different from the unity enjoyed by Christians, before traditionalism and distinctive names divided them. Such division is contrary to the New Testament. We are not a denominational organisation, we have no head, name, earthly headquarters, human doctrine or creed. Following the teachings of Christ and His apostles, individually, we are known as" Christians; collectively as the Church of Christ.

What is the Difference ?

There are several things that make us unique. We are committed to continually searching the New Testament for truth about our lives and about God's will for us as His Church. In addition, we are committed to living according to the teachings of Jesus and His apostles. The New Testament teaches that full and abundant life is only found in following Christ and being committed to Him. Jesus said in John 10 :10 "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." As straight-forward and obvious as this conviction may seem, it does not characterise what is seen in much of the religious world today. The Churches of Christ is built on the conviction that the whole Bible is the inspired word of God, and that no creed, catechism or other book is required. Thirdly, every person needs salvation and there is no way of obtaining salvation other than through Jesus Christ. I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" (John 3:6).

What is the Truth?

The truth is the word of God in which we believe. 

We believe that the Bible (Old and New testaments) is the only inspired revelation from God.

We believe in the existence of only one true living God - The Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe that Jesus Christ is the only Son of God.

We believe in Jesus' death, burial and resurrection from the dead as assurance of our hope that we too, one day shall rise from the power of the grave.

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins, and that all who believe in Him and are baptized are saved on the grounds of His shed blood.

We believe that Baptism by immersion is essential to one's salvation.

We believe that Jesus established only one true church.

We believe that Jesus is coming again, and that everyone will be held accountable to God on the day of judgement.

It is aim to always commit our efforts to sincerely do the will of God so that He may be glorified and that the precious souls will be persuaded to turn to the Lord, and to the "Faith once delivered unto the saints" (Jude 3).

As God's spokesmen, we are always calling for men to "Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths , where the good way is, and walk in it; Then you will find rest for your souls" Jer 6:!6 (NKJV)

You are welcome to worship with us

Our services are conducted in a quiet, worshipful atmosphere. They are designed to draw the worshippers closer to God and to provide enduring spiritual strength. Our worship consists of only those elements which the New Testament reveals as having been used as worship by the church in the days of the apostles.

We sing, pray, partake of the Lord's supper, have the Worship of God preached, and give of our means by the spreading of the Gospel, and care of the needy. In all of this, we seek to maintain the attitude which Christ taught when He said, God is spirit and truth, (John 4:24)

We believe that friendliness is a natural attitude among people who truly love God.

Please come and visit us. You will receive a warm welcome and be treated with courtesy and respect. We truly hope you will accept our invitation.

God Bless You.